
Iara’s Crossing

Bookmark for Iara's Crossing with the refrain: Circles within circles/lines within lines/Endless spirals/From small to great/The path lies ahead/Where destiny awaits

Circles within circles

Lines within lines

Endless spirals

From small to great

The path lies ahead

Where destiny awaits

The runes of the ancient inscription were carved out of weakening limestone as part of a crumbling gate. The centerpiece of the gate was an enormous relic, a huge ammonite fossil. Vines twisted around each column of the limestone gate, moss and algae filling in the cracks. A forest of ginkgo trees lined either side of the path beneath the gate, worn by countless twin and three-toed footprints. Avian dinosaurs from other lands traveled to the Oasis in pilgrimage, to catch a glimpse of the massive ammonite relic. This was their origin point west of the once vast sea that divided an entire continent. It was protected by the mysterious elemental magic hidden within the ammonite, harnessed by Clepsydra in order to save her kind from extinction.

Hundreds of years later, the distant active fire-river-mountain, and invading tyrants, had other plans…

And when Iara was marked with the ammonite scar on her face, her journey of self discovery would begin…

The book trailer for Iara’s Crossing-a novel by DLP

Dinosaurs and fantasy stories have fascinated me since childhood—and while I’ve read a lot of science fiction and fantasy novels over the years, I’ve yet to encounter an epic dinosaur fantasy novel that intersects my favorite stories, including Raptor RedRatha’s CreatureDinotopia and The Lord of the Rings. I’ve decided to fill this unique niche with my first self-published novel, Iara’s Crossing!

I deeply appreciate the support my story has received since its initial publication in 2022. Feel free to leave a review or pick up a copy for yourself! Thank you!

The Rex Files Comic Series

The character Iara was originally called Raptor, and her partner-in-crime was Theo–originally Rex–a Tyrannosaurus rex! Former detectives of the SBI–the Saurian Bureau of Investigators–akin to Men in Black–these dinosaurs were tasked with investigating a literal alien invasion in their hometown. They quit and developed their own personal practice, and Theo wants to branch out with his cosplay venture instead, emulating his hatchling-hood hero of the silver screen, Raptorman. 80s and 90s references are abundant in this semi-slice-of-life, buddy cop-esque comedy. Enjoy the first five “episodes” below!

Looking for more of the Rex Files? Need alternate text for the panels? Read all sixteen episodes on DeviantART!

A new comic series is on the way…!

Welcome to the Back of Beyond! Inspired by the people and places of the Land Down Under…a slice-of-life anthro animal take on today’s world. Support the development of this comic series through Ko-fi today!

Cover for the Back of Beyond-Selma the Tassie Devil against a city with a sunset and travel stamps from Australia

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Selma walks toward the viewer with a city bus and skyline at sunset and travel stamps in the background